Meet Your Instructors

  • Johnny Voraphet has been working in the state-side Private Security world for the last 10+ years and has progressed his skillset through dozens of hours of continuing and advanced education classes. His experience and education cover subjects such as close-quarters protection, marksmanship, facility safety, small unit leadership, marketing, and PR.

    He spends most of his time these days as a Team Leader and Trainer for a high-level Executive Protection team in the Portland Metro area.

    Johnny and Abid have worked together on countless PSD assignments together since 2017.

  • Abid comes to us from a Military and Overseas Private Security Contractor background.

    In Afghanistan, he served as a US Army Psychological Operations Specialist. He Gathered information, face-to-face communication with the civilian populous, wrote daily situation reports, enemy harassment missions, and civilian non-interference. He provided close-quarters protection for high-value individuals and assisted with convoy operations and security. Trained Afghan Police in matters of radio communication, daily patrols, anti-narcotic operations, small unit movement, and dynamic room entry.

    In Iraq, he was responsible for the management, training, and welfare of over forty guards posted on Camp Prosperity in Baghdad, Iraq. He conducted and taught firearm safety courses as per the company's SOP’s. He provided close-quarters protection for high-value individuals as well as leading convoy procedures. He trained Guards in matters of radio communication, daily patrols, tower operations, and marksmanship.

    On his 3rd and final deployment, he worked closely with US Army Command on FOB Shank – Afghanistan in support of the “UIK” program. This program’s mission was to upgrade the armor and survivability of all M-ATV vehicles in theater.

    He has been working in EP full-time since returning to CONUS in 2012.